Well, the trees are fully in leaf since about 10 days ago when the black walnuts finally unfurled their leaves. The garden is about 1/4 planted by now and we have rows of peppers, tomatoes, and zucchini out and unprotected in the warm wet days we are having. My flowers have shifted from the spring bulbs to the summer perennials like roses, peonies, and lilies. The pasture is in dire need of mowing and baling but the series of storms have made the soil too wet to support the big equipment so we are waiting...

Well, the trees are fully in leaf since about 10 days ago when the black walnuts finally unfurled their leaves. The garden is about 1/4 planted by now and we have rows of peppers, tomatoes, and zucchini out and unprotected in the warm wet days we are having.

My flowers have shifted from the spring bulbs to the summer perennials like poppies, roses, peonies, and lilies.

The pasture is in dire need of mowing and baling but the series of storms have made the soil too wet to support the big equipment so we are waiting...
