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11.20.14 letter to friends

Writer's picture: NicNic

 For the beauty of the earth; For the beauty of the skies, For the love which from our birth over and around us lies: Lord of all to thee we raise this our hymn of grateful praise!

 While Buffalo battles the mighty drifts we are enjoying sun and a real chill with flurries that disappear in the sun.  Before the cold weather settled in we enjoyed some beautiful fall walks in the graveyard behind our Sharpsville apartment.  I am a great lover of graveyards, strange to admit.  I like the quiet, the trees, and reading the names and contemplating those who have gone before.   

 We wandered on this sunny Sunday afternoon before we packed up the car for the drive back to Pittsburgh.

 Mike is settling into his role as pastor and truthfully it’s what he’s made to do but pray for him as there are many pressures in commuting and pastoring that weigh on him.  We love our new church home in Sharpsville and greatly enjoy the encouragement and support of the community up there.


Back in the city, I always plant some pumpkin seeds by our back fence when we are done carving for Halloween. This year we harvested 4 carving sized pumpkins and 3 little ones and hosted pumpkin carving on our side deck. 

 This is clearly the funny face photo 🙂


Our neighborhood gathers for a pizza dinner, group photo and then trick or treating together, this year in the rain.  

 Sam did not complete his human radio project in time to make the photo but he had built a special helmet with a voice modulator and speakers but he ran out of batteries half way through trick or treating.  Tessa was a spiderweb, Sophia was ‘Rosie the riveter” and we still aren’t a 100% sure what Riah was, but since we insist on homemade costumes it was creative.  He is the brown hooded and masked character on the steps in the photo.   


I continue to plug away at the Outdoor Environmental Classroom project at PUCS.  We have most of the framing done for the shelter, the dry well is filled and covered, and we installed the donated culverts into the mounds of dirt left from the excavation to create climbing and hiding areas.

Now that the weather has changed we are turning our attention to the many items on our punch list in the house as well as remembering to count our blessings, because in truth there are so many it boggles the mind.

<ox>< Nicole

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